Picture of Kim


My Favorite Soldier- My Son

Good Morning, Corgi Connection Followers!!! We are LOVING the cooler temps here! Things are always crazy busy, but something huge has been added to our already full schedule. My son, who left for Basic Training in February, has been stationed at Fort Hood- literally right next door to where we live! It’s crazy! He was supposed to go to Fort Bragg after he completed his training, but life landed him right back here. While I’m super excited about being able to see him, his homecoming has definitely added the challenge of shifting things around to accommodate the time he can spend at home in between his duties as a Soldier. On top of that, my little guy is in the middle of his 8U soccer season, so there are practices and games that this mama will not be missing out on. The puppies are doing amazing. They are plump and beautiful. If I have not responded to your message, please message me with an “A-hem” just to remind me you’re waiting on a message from me. I always put my family and Corgis’ care first before the “business” side of things, so rest assured, you are not being ignored on purpose. I’m just SUPER busy. Things will fall into place as they should be. Puppies will line up with their forever homes without difficulties, as they always do. If you’d like to be added to the list of pre-screened homes, please message me and I’ll send you a document with information in it. I will be going down that list as time permits in the near future. Thank you so much and Happy Fall, Ya’ll!

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The pound babies need love too

The kids volunteered this morning at Copperas Cove Animal Control Facility, bathing dogs, trimming cats’ and dogs’ nails, walking dogs, playing with cats, and interacting

No more “fading” babies

Hello, Corgi Connection of Central Texas Followers! I’m gonna be really real in this post. I’m not liking this season in my life. Who is

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