Picture of Kim


My second most favorite time of year in Texas

Hello, Friends! I hope everyone enjoyed the much needed rain that we’ve gotten over the past few days. Our farm is looking green in some areas and terribly muddy in others, but I’m excited about what this season brings- cooler temperatures, more outside play time for the Corgis, hoodies, tons of outside projects get to be completed, etc…it’s my second most favorite time of year in Texas, only a close second to spring. We do have one female in labor as I type this. Please send up some prayers for her and the puppies that are on the way. I will be announcing them (or, it could be just one puppy, God only knows) when I know all is perfect with them or her or him. 🙂 Please keep a close eye on this FB page. Please message me through this FB page if you’d like to be pre-screened to become a future owner of one of our puppies. Please do not wait until the day I announce puppies. I have tons going on and don’t have time to read through answers and respond at the last minute. Also, please DO NOT comment here if you are interested in a puppy. PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE. Another scumbag scammer has reared his or her ugly head on this page, commenting below those who say they are interested in adopting a puppy from me, and has provided links to a totally false FB page (or store) announcing puppies that he or she surely does not have. Please don’t fall for it, Friends. Remember that if something seems too good to be true, it almost always is. Don’t let people steal your hard earned money. Here is the image to look for. It STINKS of SCAM. Stay safe and I hope to have good news for everyone wanting puppies soon. Many Corgi Hugs – Kim

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No more “fading” babies

Hello, Corgi Connection of Central Texas Followers! I’m gonna be really real in this post. I’m not liking this season in my life. Who is

PASSIONATE about what I do

EVERYONE who is interested in a Corgi puppy from me, please read this! I often see comments about why Corgi puppies are so expensive. Here

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