Picture of Kim


Finding a reputable breeder is like finding a needle in a hay stack

Hello, Corgi Connection of Central Texas Followers! I just want to bring up something that is near and dear to my heart. I have spent years of my life rescuing dogs of various breeds. All but one of them were mixed breeds and as a dog lover I loved them each with all that I am. When my family was searching for a purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgi, it seemed like trying to find one from a reputable breeder was like finding a needle in a haystack. It was then then I started on my journey as a PWC breeder, combining my experience as a prior veterinary technician, since birth animal lover, and lover of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed. I am fully aware of the overpopulation of animals in our society and I NEVER want to contribute to that already existing dilemma. However, I can appreciate that there are others out there who would like to someday own a PWC, just like my family desired years ago, and PWCs are hard to find in shelters. Therefore, whenever people adopt PWC puppies from me, I require them to either AGREE or DISAGREE with the contract that is WILLFULLY signed on every puppy pick up day. In that contract, it states that any puppy adopted from me WILL BE spayed or neutered PRIOR to a pregnancy (or, in the case of males, contribution of pregnancy), planned or unplanned. I don’t force ANYONE to sign said contract. It is signed with the AGREEMENT that it will be adhered to. I am VERY up front about this requirement, from the first time anyone asks me about my adoption process. Yet, it appears that someone chose to NOT COMPLY and now, their female is pregnant by one of my males. I am GRIEVED to learn of this. So, publicly, if you don’t have intentions on complying with the spay/neuter contract that you WILL be asked to sign on puppy pick up day, please choose a different breeder because this circumstance that “oops” happened is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE and has blindsided me because I am a person of my word. If you are unable to sign on that line on puppy pick up day, committing to the agreement without exceptions, please find a different breeder who is not as passionate about this as I am.

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No more “fading” babies

Hello, Corgi Connection of Central Texas Followers! I’m gonna be really real in this post. I’m not liking this season in my life. Who is

A Corgi’s Unconditional Love

I have owned many different breeds of dogs, Folks, but the Corgis have captured my core like no other breed. They’re so versatile- ready to

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